PSR’s 6pm Friday Night News with the News You Should Know…


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Criminal Syndicate Is Being Dismantled, Panic In DC,Change Of Batter, Ezra Cohen – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.

What’s Wrong With the Watermelons and Bananas?

70% Believe “Canada Is Broken, Worst Outlook He’s Ever Seen” Says Pollster, by Brad Salzberg

Meet the Australian media, by Tucker Carlson

Foreign Interference And Nationalism Rising With Tanya Gaw & Maxime Bernier, June 26, 2024

Check it Out! Tucker Carlson Bitch-Slaps Australian Fake News Media … HILARIOUS!!

Life can change in an instant because of a natural disaster, a seasonal storm, job loss, some new disease or even the political statements of a far off nation – Let’s get you ready!  Briden Solutions and The Lifeline Plan – Simplifying Emergency Preparedness.

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