Corus cancels late night network ‘The Shift’ with Shane Hewitt


Courtesy of Broadcast Dialogue

December 1, 2023

Shane Hewitt has revealed that Corus Entertainment has cancelled his late night network talk show, The Shift with Shane Hewitt.

Carried by 980 CKNW Vancouver, QR Calgary, 630 CHED Edmonton, 680 CJOB Winnipeg, 640 Toronto, 900 CHML Hamilton, and 980 CFPL London, in addition to Stingray’s Radio NL in Kamloops, Hewitt said in a post to YouTube that it’s his understanding he will not be replaced. Instead “re-run” content will air in The Shift’s former time slot, which varied station-to-station.

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  1. Corus is sinking faster than the Titanic, CKNW is okay Monday to Friday from 05:30 to noon and 3:00 to 6:00 PM. The rest of the week is horrible and Saturday and Sunday is disgusting except for the computer show.
    The PINHEADS in the east don’t get fact that what works in the east doesn’t always work in the west

  2. I am so sorry to hear of the cancelled shift show . I used to listen to it during the night . It was a very informative and fun show . No negativity. Shane was a very good host .

  3. Thank goodness and good riddance. Shane Hewitt is out of touch with reality, with Canada, and with the world at large. He is unfunny and is certainly a conspiracy theorist.


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