by KOMO News Staff
November 24, 2023

SEATTLE — It is with a heavy heart that we announce KOMO 4’s Steve Pool passed away this week surrounded by family and friends.
He died on Nov. 22 after a battle with an illness. He was 70-years-old.
Steve was a Seattle broadcasting pioneer on KOMO 4 serving as the station’s beloved weatherman and frequent host of charitable events. He began his career as an intern at the station when he was still a college student at the University of Washington in 1974.
In 1977, he was hired full-time right out of school and never looked back.
Related Story HERE
RIP Steve Pool.
Too many broadcasters are forced by ownership/management to take experimental medical procedures AKA jabs, or lose their jobs.
Now a number of broadcasters are passing away.
Where are the presstitutes on this?
Oh there they are getting their booster and flu combo!
You are an idiot passing on fake news~!!
Fake, you’re way outta line here. If you read the full story and know Steve’s background, his disease began long before CoVid. Study the disease he had and the facts before you mouth off.
Are you saying Steve did not get any of the Covid jabs?
What I said about “Too many broadcasters…” and “…the presstitutes…” stands.
Not many had the longevity in local TV that he did.
Prayers for Steve and his family.
Thoughts and prayer to Steve’s family. I grew up watching him and really enjoyed his presence.
Fake news, you seem to state that everyone who took the jab are dying.
What about those who didn’t take the jab, they’ll live forever correct???
You sound vaccinated.
Please explain to us all, how someone who dies of cancer without getting the jab is different from one who dies from cancer who did get the jab.
Look on you should be able to figure out the answer.
Prostate Cancer and its treatments are very toxic to most men. No one can understand how hard it is to live with the debilitating pain of Cancer unless you personally witness the constant daily destruction of the affected and way it sucks the joy out of even the most positive and wonderful people. Rest in Peace Steve, The rest of us will Soldier on in the hope of better treatments and quality of life.