by Radio Ink
November 8, 2023

“Not required for public safety. Not popular with consumers. And now we know: not cheap.” That is the description of the AM band given by Alliance for Automotive Innovation President John Bozzella in a November 6 blog post as the automotive industry brings its heavy guns to bear on radio.
The focus of Bozzella’s post is a recent study by the Center for Automotive Research that projects keeping AM radio functional in new electric vehicles might incur costs of up to $3.8 billion between now and the end of 2030 for automakers. EV manufacturers have been phasing out AM, under the guise that the electromagnetic interference caused by EV batteries and propulsion is too much for a listenable signal.
The study describes the existing solutions for canceling electromagnetic interference, which all cars have required since the advent of AM in autos, like shielding cables, adding interference filters, active noise cancellation, and careful component placement. Cost estimates for shielding range between $35 to $50 per vehicle, while filtering could add $15 to $20 per vehicle, according to one manufacturer’s assessment.
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Crying EV makers? Who are they kidding. The cost is born by the consumer.
EV’s are not the future. Only a fool thinks they are. These excuses are so pathetic. If that much electromagnetism is emitting from their batteries and cars, then surely there is negative health issues towards the human body as well!