Courtesy of Gord Lansdell of NW Broadcasters

In a reorganization, Vancouver-based National Director of Talk Radio Larry Gifford has been released by Corus Communications. He was Senior Program Director at CKNW AM 980 and CKGO AM 730 Vancouver from 2016-21 before moving to his most recent position. He earlier was PD at the Bonneville Seattle radio cluster from 2011-13. All Access Music Group
I think many people would say that Gifford was responsible for the decline of CKNW.
Where do you go when “Woke” is on your resume?
Hey Larry,
As National Director of Talk Radio, did you have any responsibility for pushing experimental medical procedures on the audience and employees?
Please tell us who was responsible for doing this.
#Nuremberg 2.0
I can’t think of any reason to listen to terrestrial radio.
Satellite Radio is worth listening to.
I touched base with Larry on Saturday. We’re both old radio dogs and have seen this movie too. He’ll be OK. I’m more concerned about his health right now. Parkinson’s is a beeotch.
Hopefully the format of talk radio that I’m use to will return. I’m so over what the hosts have to report and I’m sure they are also.
Has Stirling Faux been replaced on weekends now?
Scott Shantz takes over as host of Weekend Mornings on CKNW AM 980 Vancouver. The show was previously hosted by Stirling Faux, who moved to p.m. drive at WAVE CIWV-FM 98.3. Shantz has produced and hosted a number of radio shows in Vancouver. Courtesy of Gord Lansdell of NW Broadcasters
Wasn’t Gifford replaced by the Aussie? It’s all about cost cutting at this point and it amazes me anyone still listens.
CKNW has been on a decline since Mr Gifford took over the PD job and it continues today, the once proud station is a mere shadow of itself, with just a few excellent reporters Janet Brown comes to mind she is excellent, also Keith, Vaughn and they need more like them now, bring back Bruce Allen it’s just newsreaders and most but not all are very poor, you get what you pay for. The plunge continues
As others have stated, NW has gone downhill since Larry Gifford took over. As a senior, I have listened to NW for over 50 years. I have it on all day since retiring 10+ years ago. Newscasts are now “we are learning more about…” and they will then replay segments from Global TV news from the evening before (or even prior to that). News from 7 pm on just keeps repeating same stories and there are no traffic reports unless you switch stations. When the final B.C. port strike vote results were available I turned on the 9:00 news and there was no mention of it. I then went to NW on Twitter and there was nothing there or on their website. Results had been posted on the Twitter accounts for CityNews and CTV about 8:30 pm. It took more than 12 hours after that for them to be on the NW Twitter page. I also have issues with all the paid programming on weekends. Martin Strong is excellent on Vancouver Consumer but I always have to wonder if he really believes what he is saying about the guests on his program. If I am wanting a service I make sure that I NEVER contact any of them. I mainly listen to the station because of the daytime talk shows plus the likes of Baldrey, Zussman, Palmer plus Janet Brown, Erin Ubels and John Streit on news. Kareem Gouda has a nice manner and would be great if he wasn’t on the ‘repeats’ shift. The ’Top Dog’ used to have excellent news people plus up-to-date news.
Old news run constantly with not even a hint of rewriting = lazy. News Director should be fired, and bring in some pros who know radio news. ‘NW now just going through the motions.
I’m pretty sure they haven’t had a News Director since they fired Terry Schintz in 2020. He was the Radio News Manager (previously called News Director). He was replaced with Laura Baziuk, who is the Managing Editor of Digital Global BC. My fingers are crossed that they can find someone to restore the station to one that has up-to-date accurate news.
Why not bring back some of the great news readers (if they’re interested). Jack Marion, Kerri Marshall, Manny Bazoonis etc. Cmon NW, up your game, forget hiring the little whiny woke wanna bees, get some pros in there.
Why do you still listen to CKNW?
You all seem to agree the product is crap.
Good question Fake Newz. For once I agree with you!
I have to agree with Mabel. I grew up with the station as well. I had to stop listening. The station would continue to play commercials when the newscasts were scheduled to start. The newscasts were debased. I started listening to CKWX.