Stirling Faux is on the Move


Moving to Music

Moving From CKNW

Stirling Fox

Stirling mentioned on Sunday’s show that he is leaving radio & getting into the music business??

On further investigation, our old friend Stirling will be taking up PM Drive on Vancouver’s newest radio station, The WAVE



  1. Not convinced NW and the talk format was a good fit for him. Like most of their fill in hosts, basic skills are missing. Easiest way to tell is they ‘try too hard.’ The great hosts are well informed, can peel back the layers of the onion, are not afraid to confront or call out authority figures and have an opinion! The lazy hosts ask ‘what do you think?’ That’s hardly entertaining. In any event, we wish Mr. Faux good luck in the new gig.

  2. Loved the man as a talk show guy. Not much as a DJ. However, he seems to be the bulwark against Big Radio.

  3. The interesting question is, who will be replacing Stirling Faux on the two weekend morning broadcasts on CKNW? There is a dearth of talent at the station at the moment. And by the way, who is the news director at the station now that Gord MacDonald has been long gone?


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