The Word, by Wayne Cox


A Presentation of Blue Frog Studios

by Wayne Cox

July 27, 2023

Behind The Scenes

The other night at Blue Frog Studios, the MC, City of White Rock Counsellor, Dave Chesney wanted me to write about the “behind the scenes dirt” from my days at the BCTV/Global NewsHour.  

Sadly, or gratefully, I can’t remember any “dirt?” It was a terrific group of people, who were the cream of the crop in their profession, and on top of that, we all got along!

There are a few stories I can tell though. Dave asked me about the dog that was under the desk in the Tony Parsons news anchor years. Yes, he was there almost every night. Charlie was his name. A very well behaved little dog that Tony rescued from the pound as I recall.

Charlie would follow Tony everywhere. Tony went into his office, Charlie would follow. Into the makeup room, Charlie was right behind. On the set, Charlie would curl up under the desk.

He was very well behaved, and never made a sound, except at the sound of a doorbell. Ding, Dong, Woof! Woof! Woof! Nobody really knows why Charlie would bark at the sound of the door bell, we could only guess that his previous owner had taught him that trick. Now, you may ask, where do you find a doorbell in a tv news studio? The answer is, the audio department! The audio man, Bert McCormick, who had a wonderful sense of humour, found a recording of the classic “Ding Dong, Avon calling” doorbell, and just for fun, every so often during a commercial break, he would play it over the speakers in the studio and Charlie would go crazy. Tony would just laugh, yell at Bert to stop it, calm Charlie down, and all would be quiet when we came back on the air.


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  1. Aloha, Weiner, er, Wayner, Let’s face it, you never had any fun in the studio. You were ALL BUSINESS, ALL THE TIME!
    Good to see you’re alive and kickin’.


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