Joe Perkins replaces Scott Fee as new News Director at CHEK


from Joe Perkins Twitter account

Joe Perkins
An update on my role at CHEK News. Today is my first day as News Director at CHEK. We have a great team and I’m excited about this opportunity and the future of our newsroom. I will be stepping away from the anchor desk eventually. Thx for the messages and support. #NewChapter

Related Story Scott Fee leaves CHEK


  1. Fine and all, but if CHEK’s going to continue following the rest of the liberal media in echoing the CBC’s pro-GQ Trudeau propaganda thanks to unethical bribes by Trudeau, then what’s the point? It’ll just be a case of “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…” and more of the same echo-chamber opinionating disguised as “news” that favors the Trudeau Liberals/NDP/Greens while demonizing conservative political opponents and opposing viewpoints.


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