by Mickey Djuric – Canadian Press
January 18, 2023
OTTAWA — As a little girl in the early ’80s, Lucy Tulugarjuk said she would spend most of her time playing outside instead of in front of a screen.
Her family and friends in Igloolik, Nvt., did not own televisions, she said, with most households choosing to keep television out as a way to protect Inuit culture.
But she recalled that when she was five years old, she heard people in the nearby community of Hall Beach were watching TV, and the medium piqued her interest.
“It was interesting to see what TV had to bring. And we heard that it was just in English and French, no Inuktitut,” Tulugarjuk said.
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This station will probably become a mandatory channel on basic cable. Will anyone watch it? Doe anyone watch APTN?
Outside of Northern Canada, most likely not.