PSR’s New Years Eve News with the News behind the News and Much More…


X22 Report returns on Monday January 2nd, 2023

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Today’s Top Stories from

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’
Georgia Guidestones Fall

FOURNIER: Energy security and inflation more important than emission goals

Message Of Hope For The New Year From PASTOR JACK HIBBS As He Joins Rose Unplugged

It Turned a ‘Blind Eye’: Government Sues Big Bank for Concealing Jeffrey Epstein’s Child Sex Crimes

Jamie Walden and Mike Adams talk Christian faith and the Luciferian INSURRECTION against God (AUDIO)

Scottish police call paedophiles ‘minor-attracted people’ in major report

The Fall Of The Cabal – Part 25 & 26

Power Outside The Matrix: Journalism that blows the Big Vault open, by Jon Rappoport

Pro-vax UK radio host ‘excited’ about 3rd jab now hospitalized with ‘lungs full of blood clots’

Daily Dose: ‘Hospital Murder of Baby Alex’ with Dr. Peterson Pierre


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