PSR’s 6 o’clock Monday Night News with the News behind the News and Much More…


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Today’s Top Stories from

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’

Biden Wants Energy Crisis, by Josh Sigurdson

China’s Interference In Canadian Election Leads To Trudeau Victory by Brad Salzberg

The Global Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin – The “Blitz

Board-Certified Obstetrician cries “STOP”, by Dr. Robert Malone

Astrazeneca Pressured To Release Data On Research In Advance Of The Rollout Of Their Covid Vaccine

Death Tsunami: “They Found a Way to Slow-Kill People With This” – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Help: Town Councillor’s Life Threatened and Ousted for Not Getting Vaxxed! – Action4Canada

10 PayPal Alternatives – For Privacy or Free Speech

Why COVID-19 Mass Vaccination is a Military Operation

Panic Everywhere, Power Belongs To The People, Are You Ready To Take Back Control – X22 Report

Satanic Pedophilia at the Top of the US Government for decades, the truth is in plain sight..



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