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Google Warns About The Dangers Of Canada Bill C11
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The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! Yet another tech giant has joined in the fight against Trudeau’s Bill C 11. Google Canada has come out to warn Canadians of what could be if that bill is passed into law. On Wednesday morning, Google Canada released a Twitter threat titled, “Keep YouTube yours” which basically warned Canadians of the potential changes that could come to their YouTube feeds if the bill is passed by the legislature. Of course, Bill C 11 needs no introduction at this stage. It is a bill proposed by the Liberals to regulate online content on social media and give the CRTC some unclearly defined powers over the Internet in Canada and other aspects of electronic media. The fear over this proposal, which is justified, is that the government wants to use the bill, if it becomes law, to censor content that they believe would hurt its political image in the country. It is also thought that the government would only promote content that probably sings praises of them or something, just like what the CBC and other parts of the mainstream media are doing. This is bad for numerous reasons. First, it is very likely that such content would be lies, but because there would be no media with a counter opinion, Canadians would be left with no avenue to get a different opinion on that content. Another reason why this is bad is that the truth would be well and truly suppressed if the bill goes through. I mean, look at what happened with the CBC during the Freedom Convoy, which is an example of things to come if Bill C 11 is passed. For those among us who don’t quite recall, let me help out. During the Freedom Convoy, the CBC carried and amplified the false news by the deputy prime minister that the protest was funded by terrorists. While Freeland had said that terrorists were behind the financing of the protest, the CBC at that time, said that Russians were the ones funding the Freedom Convoy because they, the Russians, didn’t like Canada and Trudeau for being allies with Biden. Welcome to First Page News
We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. —————————————————————————————————————— Sources: https://tnc.news/2022/10/06/google-ta… https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/youtu… https://nationalpost.com/news/politic… https://thecountersignal.com/trudeau-… ——————————————————————————————————————- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews Thanks For Watching Our Video
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