Vancouver Election: The One Council Decision That Should Determine How People Vote …Harvey Oberfeld


by Harvey Oberfeld

Keeping It Real…

September 29, 2022

There are so many demands these days for civic dollars by so many needy groups, worthwhile organizations, critical programs and projects.

And City Council members know … or SHOULD know … there are too few funds to meet not only those requests, but even all of Vancouver’s own City departmental needs.

After all, isn’t that why the current Council RAISED city taxes EVERY YEAR during their four-year term?

The present Vancouver Council was elected in 2018. In 2019 they hiked municipal taxes 4.5%; in 2020, 7%; in 2021, 5%; and this year another 5.7%. Well beyond inflation during those years!

Not many Vancouver taxpayers have seen salary increases like that! And kind of ironic that a Council weighted with left wing activists actually has actually made Vancouver an even more costly city for the average working family or seniors!

And yet, there are lots of signs all around Vancouver that City Hall still doesn’t have enough money for policing, emergency housing, road repairs, community centers and school maintenance, parks, beaches and recreation.

Nevertheless, SIX members of Council felt the City was flush enough with cash to contribute $660,000 to a lawsuit by a non-governmental organization, West Coast Environmental Law, to sue five of the world’s biggest oil companies for damages from climate change.

Is that really appropriate to give precious City dollars, without taxpayers’ specific approval, to help fund a private organization’s lawsuit?

I say NO! That simply is NOT a proper or jurisdictionally appropriate expenditure of City taxes.

It’s not that the issue of climate change is not important: so is the war in Ukraine, conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and poverty and refugees from Africa, Central America … ALL of which generate results that directly/indirectly have an impact on Vancouver.

It’s simply that these issues are NOT jurisdictionally within the purview of Vancouver City Hall to legally fight … without specific taxpayers’ approval in a referendum.

Especially when the City keeps raising taxes and keeps justifying that by telling us they don’t have enough funds to adequately take care of the many responsibilities that the City is LEGALLY OBLIGED to provide each year.

Yet, voting to PASS the $660,000 lawsuit expenditure were: Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Councilors Adrienne Carr (GREEN), who brought forward the proposal, Pete Fry (GREEN), Michael Wiebe (GREEN), Jean Swanson(COPE) and Christine Boyle (ONECITY).

Looks to me like they put their personal political agenda ahead of the city’s pressing needs … and used public money to fight their fight.

That’s WRONG!! A breach of their fiduciary responsibility.

Voting AGAINST using City funds to take on big oil were Councilors Rebecca Bligh (ABC), Melissa De Genova (NPA), Lisa Dominato (ABC), Colleen Hardwick (TEAM) and Sarah Kirby Yung (ABC).

You can read the full story here:

That vote showed, I believe, which incumbent members of Council DISRESPECTED City taxpayers and FAILED to responsibly exercise proper discretion on how MUNICIPAL public monies should be spent.

Especially when Council can’t even make Vancouver streets safe!

Let’s give those six the boot!

Harv Oberfeld


  1. Not only has mayor Kennedy and this council raised taxes, wasted tax payer money, but also overseen the deterioration of the downtown core. Crime is rampant, the streets are filthy, police are underfunded. I am heart broken over what my home town has become.

  2. Glad I found Harvey’s article posted here.

    Harvey censored most of my last post on his blog.
    Hope you will not do the same here.

    Here’s what I posted:

    Not a Robot says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
    October 1, 2022 at 10:05 am
    Fraudulent ballots – I do not have proof, you do not have proof. There is a push worldwide to expose election fraud. From voting machines/software to using mules. Have you watched “2000 Mules”? If not, put it on your to do list. Lots of proof there.
    Here is an article on US elections:

    Are electronic voting systems used in Canada?
    If yes, there could be rigging.

    How did the WEF put their people in positions of power to control the world? Was it through rigged elections or rigged leadership races or just by luck?

    How about doing a deep dive on this Harvey:
    John Horgan and Kevin Falcon are both WEF members?
    Look here:
    And here:

    Have you done a deep dive yet on Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum – where you will own nothing and be happy?
    Here’s Klaus and his top advisor:
    More Klaus:
    More WEF people:

    Coincidence that WEF members in power around the world are implementing the WEF agenda to Build Back Better? Who made Klaus the leader of the world?

    What is treason?

    Are you aware the climate change narrative is a scam?

    Are you aware the vaccines are experimental injections in human trials until 2023?
    Are you aware the experimental injections are killing and maiming numerous people worldwide?
    Read this:
    And this:

    Do you know who Dr. Ryan Cole is?
    Have you heard of John O’Looney, UK funeral director ?
    Look them up.

    How is mainstream media around the world controlled?
    Why is mainstream media around the world controlled?

    Do these dots connect:
    – desire to reduce population
    – experimental injections pushed/coerced on the population

    Appreciate your thoughts after you look into all of this.

    Here’s what was was posted following Harvey’s censorship:

    Not a Robot says:
    October 1, 2022 at 10:05 am
    Fraudulent ballots – I do not have proof, you do not have proof. There is a push worldwide to expose election fraud. From voting machines/software to using mules. Have you watched “2000 Mules”? If not, put it on your to do list. Lots of proof there.
    Here is an article on US elections:

    Are electronic voting systems used in Canada?
    If yes, there could be rigging.

    (Edited…getting way off topic, which is the Vancouver civic election. h.o)

    (Response: As for your statement “Fraudulent ballots – I do not have proof, you do not have proof” … you make my point about how ridiculous conspiracy theorists’ reasoning is: where does it stop when people without ANY proof can make any accusations and expect to be taken seriously? Ridiculous! Sure glad conspiracy theorists aren’t in charge of our Court system!!! Now…back to voting choices in the Vancouver election … that are REAL! h.o)

    Wonder why Harvey wouldn’t post my entire comment?
    Thank you for posting this on Puget Sound Radio.

  3. Back to the matter at hand. Mr Oberfeld’s piece is both timely and well thought out.

    Our mayor is simply in the re-election business, he’s in neither the governance nor leadership business. Witness his last few missives..I’ll repair water fountains in the west -end IF re-elected… I’ll instigate improvements here and there IF re-elected. A leader acts..they don’t hold voters hostage.

    The medians and boulevards around my neighborhoods- once trimmed and cared for- are now a shamble of weeds, dead plants, and debris. The substitute for action was to install signage amongst the garbage declaring the area as a “naturalized zone” and not to be touched; this too clever by half con represents a wanton dereliction of duty by city leadership. Enough is enough. The civic election can’t come soon enough.


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