PSR’s 6 o’clock Wednesday News with the News behind the News and Much More…


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Trump Confirmed, Nothing Can Stop This, Nothing, Believe!, Truth Is A Force Of Nature – X22 Report

Today’s Top Stories from

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’

Is There Anything Canadians Can Trust About Justin Trudeau? by Brad Salzberg

Saskatchewan Won’t Aid Ottawa’s Gun Grab Scheme, by Keean Bexte

UN Warns Of Famine! – False Flag Attack On Pipeline! – They’re Getting Us Ready For The Great Reset!, by Josh Sigurdson

Fire breaks out at world’s biggest produce market in Paris

Deadly remdesivir COVID protocol was fraudulently FORCED onto patients…

Canada Drops COVID Vaccine Travel Mandate. 9 out of 10 People Who Recently Died Were Vaxxed

Justice for the Vaccinated – Doctors on Tour

1.4 Million Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, Canadian Woman Dies 7 Minutes After Bivalent Booster Shot

America Escalates Its War on Europe, by Bruce O’Hara

New Podcast: Ebola blood; Hot Zone jungle viruses reincarnated; Fauci’s role, by Jon Rappoport

Dr Aseem Malhotra joins Dan Wootton to discuss a new Covid study



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