It was a year ago today we lost one of our dear friends and a supporter of Puget Sound Radio and Easton Spectator. He was our ‘One Mans Opinion’ guy, known as BMCQ, aka Bobby McQuillan. To say we don’t miss him would be an understatement. We’re not the only ones who share this loss, but his loving wife Lynnie of 47 years, his dear son Maxwell, his wife Jessica and their first born Sammy (Bobby and Sammy in photo above). We spoke with Lynnie and Max this week, both have had a tough road to haul these last 12 months, Lynnie, the loss of her husband and Maxwell, the loss of his father who he loved and admired. Bobby mentored Maxwell to learn the business, but to eventually take over the business, which after Bobby’s death he did.
Bobby was a successful Vancouver business man who was heavily involved in the community, but has been an active caller into radio hosts at CKNW over the years, as well as an active commentator on Harvey Oberfeld’s blog ‘Keeping It Real’
After Bobby’s death Lynnie, reached out to a councilor who’s been an incredible blessing for her. She’s also volunteered her time with Horse Protection Society, training, also cleaning the stalls and has befriended a beautiful horse named Dixie.
Lynnie shares the following words with us
I feel very Blessed beyond words as to all the Nurturing and Love Maxwell and I have received this past year. Just a phone call, a text, a card, a hug, three little words “I love you” goes along way. It’s very difficult to come back from a broken heart, but I know my Bobby he would not want me to curl up and be unhappy for the rest of my life and Maxwell feels the same! For myself this past year I’ve learnt a lot about myself, and how to get strong again I call it getting back to my SPARKLE girl self! Friends and family have helped so much and also the horses have grounded me more then ever. I’ve added more days at the HORSE PROTECTION SOCIETY training a Beautiful appaloosa horse called, Dixie. The other point I have to absolutely mention is, I’ve never had to go for counseling mainly because I never needed it, until this traumatic day happened! I reached out to a wonderful grief counselor, who has changed my life forever, she tells me I picked the phone up, I wanted to get better.
As for son Maxwell, he ended up taking over Bobby’s company which has been an incredible process, but successful challenge for him, in spite of enduring a fire within the company which caused considerable damage. The good news is Maxwell has been able to overcome this obstacle and is rebuilding the company.
One of the latest and really great news is…
Jessica gave birth on July 13th of this year to a new baby boy, his name is Robert Miles Shamus McQuillan, Bobby McQuillan Jr.
Thinking of you Bobby…
Still miss the back and forths with BMCQ.