CBC admits that it spread disinformation on ‘Freedom Convoy,’ retracts false story


by Mark Slapinski

May 20, 2022

Mark Slapinski

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which relies on generous pay-outs from the taxpayer to function, has admitted to spreading disinformation on the Freedom Convoy. The network confessed in a statement that it shared incorrect information about the source of the donations to the protesters. This isn’t the first time CBC has been caught disseminating false information.

CBC is under fire on social media after it admitted to spreading false information on the Freedom Convoy. According to Blacklock’s reporter, “the CBC has retracted another false Freedom Convoy story that suggested foreigners played a large role in the protest. The claim was made on a radio broadcast of The World This Hour, self-described as ‘Canada’s most trusted audio newscast.’” In response, Rebel News founder Ezra Levant labelled CBC the “greatest source of fake news and disinformation” in Canada. Philanthropist and oil-and-gas advocate Brett Wilson chimed in, suggesting CBC do a story about eco-terrorism movements, add that they collaborate to “fuck Canada.”

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  1. Anyone who supports a tax payer funded CBC (to the tune of $1.2 Billion per year) IS A WHACKED OUT NUT!

    There may have been a time for a tax payer run CBC, oh say 1930 to 1990 at best, but over the last 25-30 years it’s been a tax payer burdened cesspool of lies and misinformation spread by Pinkos, idiots and others who work there that hate Canada.

    The CBC needs to be sold off in whole or broken into pieces and to never see the light of day of a public broadcaster again.

  2. The rot was in place long before the 90’s. Personally, I’d like to see the people’s network, have to survive like the PBS, might make it more honest rather than a mouthpiece for the Liberal Party and King Justin of brownface…

  3. @Les. Well put. We can insist on a referendum next election to defund the CBC. Would be interesting to see how long they’d last after the gravy train stopped and the $1.2 Billion can be returned to taxpayers in the form of tax cuts!

  4. I close my eyes, and imagine the last broadcast on CBC just before signing off forever. Rosemarie Barton will remind us all of the wonderful entertainment they gave Canadians like Wayne and Shuster, and all those Ann Murray Christmas specials. She will shed a tear for Pierre Trudeau, the Liberal Party and Radio Canada in Quebec. The sound of native drummers will be heard in the distance, with an over lapping image of the CBC symbol, not the national anthem nor flag.


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