Bill Good Parts Ways with CityNews 1130, by Gavin Bamber


submitted to PSR

by Gavin Bamber

Freelance Journalist

April 18, 2022

TV/Radio broadcaster Bill Good has parted ways with am radio station CityNews 1130. He contributed with his daily editorial commentary A Minute with Bill Good from Sept. 2015 to April 2022. With the station is rejigging its format, Mr. Good is currently without an airwaves job.

Previously he worked for (among others since 1966) the CBC (21 years), CKNW (26 years), plus anchoring the evening news at BCTV/CIVT (17 years). On a more personal note, Bill Good is still active and in relatively good health for someone in his mid-70s. It remains to be seen whether he will look for another outlet to voice his much admired and sought for news opinions. In the meantime,  he can be found active on twitter @billgood_news .

His final comment, as well as some previous ones, can be listened to here:


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