Ex-broadcaster sues Pattison Kelowna radio station alleging misogynistic workplace


Suzanne Milne is suing the owners of CKLZ FM for fostering a toxic and misogynistic workplace environment

by Aaron Hemans

Summerland Review 

November 19, 2021

A former Kelowna on-air radio host who previously worked for CKLZ FM, Jim Pattison Broadcast Group and Pattison Media organization, is suing the owners and multiple employees for allegedly fostering a toxic and misogynistic workplace environment.

Suzanne Milne, who portrayed an on-air persona named Sue Tyler, began working at CKLZ FM – also known as The Lizard 104.7 – in April 2014, when it operated as Power 104.7 at the time.

In a civil suit filed in BC Supreme Court in Kelowna on Nov. 15, Milne details how she was hired to perform her Sue Tyler character at the station, which she crafted over a 30-year span in radio.

She noted that the character was designed specifically “to appeal to a male demographic between the ages of 18 and 40,” and “to push the envelope on women’s sexuality.”

“The Sue Tyler character would dress provocatively for public appearances and use a sexualized tone and innuendo in her radio shows to specifically, and successfully, appeal to this target demographic and exemplify sexual empowerment to women,” the civil suit stated.

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  1. I hope the plaintiff finds a Gloria Allred to represent her case. JP has deep deep pockets, but the ME TOO publicity for every JP business, cars, grocery, etc. will raise many penciled eyebrows to go elsewhere. JP’s best defense would plead ignorance, while offering to hold JP broadcasting’s most senior management current and former 100% accountable.
    Who would they be ? Anyone know ?

  2. She crafted her character over 30 years.
    Staff communicate with her as though she is in character for how long…30 years?
    Now she wants some of Jimmy’s money!

  3. Fake News…yup! It’s okay for your character to sleaze on the air for THIRTY YEARS…then play the victim card. The guys sound like morons, but it’s hard to feel overly sorry for you.
    Years ago I was told by my wife that a co-worker had harrassed her. Her next shift I drove her to work, did the appropriate thing, and the scumbag never bothered her again.

  4. Bobby E

    I agree with you 100%. The comments are disgusting but if you look at all comments it’s always the exact same people. Have a great day!

  5. Yes disgusting and ignorant. Comments that basically imply that she only wants money and that she is a fake victim. Implying that because she played a “Character” she deserved the misogyny and poor treatment she claims she to have received. Saying you don’t feel sorry for somebody who has been mistreated is pretty disgusting in my opinion.

    **she claims she recieved.

  6. Bobby E

    It’s not worth even getting into it with this FAKE NEWS character. You just have to scroll through the posts to see it’s the same one always commenting and being negative, like a child wanting attention. It seems everyone else now just ignores the posts, and moves on with the day.

  7. Bobby E,
    She is suing to get money. Check.
    Some people communicated with her as though she was still in her character. Check.
    She developed and performed her character for a fee. Check.
    I’m guessing she has been paid well to perform her character on air.
    I would think advantage to the radio station.

    If other employees come forward with the same accusations about fellow staff members, that could be a game changer. I think this would be to her advantage.

    #Karen #Woke

  8. Have to post anonymously because I work for a major media outlet. I am male. At our building in BC, the patronizing and sexual comments to female staff members are frequent. They come from “senior” male staff. Complaints from female staff regarding working conditions, lack of respect etc. go unheeded by management unless a younger, male staff member says something.

  9. GN and GL,
    Looks like this thread might end up whacking a hornet’s nest!

    As an anonymous insider, can you tell us if the people working at your major media outlet are aware that they are pushing propaganda on the people?


  10. Fake News. Thank you for bringing vaccines into this discussion about female harassment in media. Good stuff, keep up the good work pal!

  11. Bobby E,
    Wondered where you went.
    Thought you would have responded to my comment:

    Fake News November 24, 2021 At 8:04 pm

    Bobby E,
    She is suing to get money. Check.
    Some people communicated with her as though she was still in her character. Check.
    She developed and performed her character for a fee. Check.
    I’m guessing she has been paid well to perform her character on air.
    I would think advantage to the radio station.

    If other employees come forward with the same accusations about fellow staff members, that could be a game changer. I think this would be to her advantage.

    #Karen #Woke

    Bobby are you advocating for children to get experimental injections that are currently in human trials?


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