Trudeau’s Internet Censorship Agenda Violates Constitutional Rights: Legal Experts, by Brad Saltzberg


Constitutional Rights via the internet. Charter Rights via Covid. A common theme emerges in an erosion of democracy in Canada

by Brad Saltzberg

October 2, 2021

The Liberal government’s proposed online harms legislation would violate Canadians’ constitutional and privacy rights, warn internet law experts.

Cultural Action Party has a succinct response: so what? As if a breach of constitutional or legal rights will impede PM Justin Trudeau from censoring the internet in Canada. His prototype is in place. It’s called the Great Internet Firewall of China.

Deng Xiaoping,  who served as leader of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) from 1978 to 1989, was known for issuing the following statement:

“If you open the window, both fresh air and flies will be blown in.” His words are  considered to be the political and ideological basis of China’s Great Internet Firewall.

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