Stu Jeffries flashes back to a 12 year old kid…

our facebook friend, Stu Jeffres

PSR would like to thank, long time radio personality Stu Jeffries for permission in publishing his story from his facebook page… Love it Stu!

btw, Stu is the current morning man at Toronto’s BOOM 97.3

The bullied 12year old and The ‘Voice’ on his radio

by Stu Jeffries

July 15, 2021

I got this message the other day from someone named Danny. Just a few words that carried so much weight on me:

What would you like to tell Stu?: I sometimes listen to you because your voice is so smoothing. Just wanted to let you know!!

These few words took me back immediately to being 12 years old. I had few friends and bullies at home and at school that took the soul out of me on the daily. When I think back to those days (all the time, actually. The scars fade but never really go away) I remember finding peace listening to the radio. Yes, my station played my music, but it was the voice that drew me in. Deep, funny..a faceless voice that was making everything alright, if only for the moment. It was the voice that made me want to do what i do today, and have been for over 40 years.

For my brothers and sisters who are the voice, please don’t forget your power You have the power to affect change, the power to bring people together, and the power to sooth and calm rough waters, even if it’s only for one 12 year old scared kid that needs some ‘smoothing’

To all of the voices, much love ❤️




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