Courtesy of Radio Ink
June 16, 2021
Delilah grew up in Reedsport, Oregon, and her first job was at the local AM station, KDUN, while she was still in high school. After traveling the country, working at different radio stations and building her audience, Delilah was syndicated at the age of 36.
Delilah’s audience loves her show — they love her — and she loves them all back, with a nightly goal of bringing people together and helping them deal with life’s struggles while showing them her positive approach to life. The goal of her show is to deliver hope.
2021 is Delilah’s 25th year of radio syndication; her show debuted at the beginning of 1996, on just four radio stations. Today she is the most listened to woman on radio in America, heard on over 130 stations reaching 10 million monthly listeners.
Delilah won a 2016 NAB Marconi Award for Network/Syndicated Personality of the Year and has been inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame and the NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame.
Radio Ink is proud to present this year’s MIW Legend, Delilah, Premiere Networks syndicated host and BFF to her legion of listeners.
Radio Ink: What has the year of COVID been like for you?
Delilah: When the first outbreak was announced near us, in a nursing home outside of Seattle, we wasted no time and took our kids (the five still at home) and my elderly in-laws to our remote cattle ranch in Oregon. While it’s been challenging, and a sad time for those who have lost family and friends, there have also been so many blessings.
The year has not been without challenges for us — nine of us living in a 1,200-square-foot home, using a makeshift home studio, home schooling, and more. But so many beautiful things transpired.
We did this cool thing at dinner each night: we’d ask a question and go around the table taking turns answering questions like, “If you had a $1 million and could keep just $10,000, and had to give the rest away, what would you do with it?” Or, “If you could go to Mars, but knew you’d never get to come back home, would you go?” Great conversations, with funny, insightful, and thought-provoking answers, providing fabulous inspiration before my show started, night after night.
Read More with Questions and Answers from Delilah HERE