Chuck McCoy is vacationing this week on the Oregon Coast…


from Portland, Oregon,  take Hiway 26 west to Coast 101 turn left heading south, just down the road we find the following sign, so turn right and follow the road down to the beach, Cannon Beach…



After nine weeks and nine of Chuck McCoy’s  ‘Moments to Remember’ articles, we decided to give Chuck a week off, so Kim, Sydney and Chuck packed the car, leaving their condo in NE Portland and headed out for some west coast magic and the tiny city, graced by a big rock named ‘Haystack’ called, Cannon Beach, Oregon…

Chuck will return to our Puget Sound Radio webpages Monday May the 17th…

Enjoy Chuck…

an old broadcaster communicates with his dog walking Cannon Beach, Oregon (Photo taken by Kim McCoy)


Here are the links to Chuck’s 9 ‘Memories to Remember’

Chuck’s first story was, The Legendary Chuck McCoy’s first broadcast from CKY-AM’s Master Control HERE 

The Real McCoy! by Chuck McCoy HERE

Love it when a plan comes together  HERE

My Toy Story by Chuck McCoy  HERE

It’s sooo cold by Chuck McCoy   HERE

Some Early History by Chuck McCoy  HERE

Big Time Radio in a small market by Chuck McCoy  HERE

‘Duff Roman/Charlie Tuna Part One HERE

Duff Roman/Charlie Tuna Part Two HERE




  1. The Oregon Coast is one of the most beautiful places anyone could visit !

    A beautiful place and a wonderful experience to drive, fortunately I will be doing the same drive in mid September .

    It is most unfortunate that close to 100% of the people driving that way will NOW avoid Seattle and Portland as both those cities have now been destroyed and hollowed out by ANTIFA and other similar Anarchist Groups .

    People now avoiding Downtown Seattle and Portland will mean the end to many restaurants, retailers, and hotels from both cities, the tax base will be destroyed and both of those once beautiful cities will lie in ruin . Poor Governors, worse Mayors, and even worse Mayors mean the end for both Seattle and Portland . Olympia Washington is unfortunately experiencing the same fate .

    A modern day tragedy .


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