Tracy Johnson is a talent coach I had the pleasure of working with him back in 2013. His ideas and perspectives always resonated with both the Rock and Hot AC talent I was working with. I recall the ideas benefited not a personality’s development, but soon after station morale and inevitably the ratings. Tracy also makes himself available to all performers with ongoing seminars.
In this episode you’ll hear how this Nebreska native got his radio start calling baseball games, how he found his way to San Diego and how he managed to remain successful for so long in the market, why he left programming radio to exploring the digital side with Triton, and what radio needs to do to address its measurement issues. Personalities will really enjoy this episode as there are tips and tricks to reshape the way you look at yourself and approach your show.
There’s also a collection seminars on demand with some great resources.
Thanks to Courtney Krebsbach for editing the episode.
Thanks also to the people who make this show possible every week including:
Justin Dove at Core Image Studios
Matt Cundill

Matt Cundill works with radio groups on digital strategies and talent coaching. He recently started the Sound Off Podcast: The Podcast about Broadcast”
E-mail Matt:
Twitter: @mattcundill
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “