Puget Sound Radio thanks David Bray for his professional analysis of these western Canadian major radio markets:
Vancouver: CKNW grabs the #1 spot for A12+ with a 13.9% share of hours tuned (down from 14.6%). Jumping up to take the top spot for F25-54 was 94.5 Virgin Radio posting a 12.4% share (up from 8.6%) followed by ROCK 101 at 11.4%. CFOX holds the lead for M25-54 listeners, delivering a 11.2 % share (down from 13.4 %). The FOX is also well out in front for M18-34 with a 25.8 % share of hrs. tuned (up from 21.1 %). When it comes to women 18-34, ROCK 101 is #1 with a 16.3% share.
Edmonton: The Breeze sweeps in to take #1 with A12+, posting an 9.0% share of hours tuned (up from 7.9% in the last book). NOW! Radio holds top spot for F25-54, delivering a 13.9% share (down from 17.2 %). SONiC tops the list for M25-54 with an 11.7 % share (down from 13.5%). For M18-34, SONiC leads the way posting a 21.5%. NOW! led with F18-34 delivering a 22.8%.
Calgary: 770 CHQR leads the way for A12+ with a 10.2% (up from 9.6%). 101.5 Today Radio is popular with women, taking #1 spot for F25-54 delivering an 11.8% share (down from 15.9 %). For M25-54, X92.9 rules with a 9.9% (up from 9.4%). XL 103 takes top spot for M18-34 delivering a 14.3%. Country 105 steps out front for F18-34 posting an 11.6% share, followed by Wild 95.3 at 11.1%.
big cracks in cknw broadcasting in the last few days and weeks, and 99.3 the fox has more listeners than 104.9, 95.3 and 103.5 is shocking.
Nat and Drew at the former QM/FM should polish up their resumes and demo tapes ASAP. They could be on the MOVE sooner than expected.
Another Nodding Head: sadly, you’re quite likely right. The Move branding has the implications of wanting a younger audience, but they still play just as much 80’s music as before, minus the mellower songs they used to throw in.
They’ve already succeeded in losing some of their younger listeners to Virgin and Z95.3 with the Move branding. I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue the downturn by getting rid of Nat and Drew, and losing their older listeners as a result.
Nicolas: sorry, but qmfms music always has been literally hard to differentiate and neither in need of more airplay nor appealing to true music lovers for the last decade. Its official no true non woke music lover listens to vancouver music stations since cisls shutdown a few years back. I listen to stations from out of town when I can mostly.
Regardless of how a true music lover is defined, which varies depending on who you ask, their mix of old/new music and uptempo/ballad mix was very popular with QMFM’s listeners. So was their love songs program, based on the amount of daily requests that came in.
For many people, music isn’t the main focus of their lives; they just want a background radio station that they feel speaks to them. Perception bias or no, the ratings hit indicates that Move isn’t speaking to QMFM’s former listeners any more.
Qmfm is actually still has the same playlist as before, except the love song program is gone and no top countdown. But how much longer will I say?
Seems like someone left out the winner: CBC Radio.