From sports radio to television for Taylor, Dhaliwal and producer…


Thanks to Gord Lansdell of NWBroadcasters

Don Taylor

Don Taylor and Rick Dhaliwal, along with former TSN 1040 CKST Vancouver producer Ryan Henderson, will be part of a new television show on CHEK-TV Victoria, where Sports Page ran for four years from 2001-05.

Rick Dhaliwal

Dhaliwal will co-host with Taylor, with Henderson producing the show.  Tyler Green, Daily Hive


  1. At one time late hight sports shows followed the 11 PM News. The brillance of Paul Carson was to schedule Sports Page ahead of the news. Lets hope CHEK T V does the same and place its new sports show in the old Sports Page time slot at 11 PM.

  2. Sports programming has changed a lot from the time Sports Page was around. It’s now based on panel discussions rather than highlights. Are we going to see a half hour talk show because I am not sure that is long enough for that format. Hopefully Don and Rick can get an hour time slot on Chek so that we can see a mix of highlights and discussion.

  3. Great to hear and can’t wait to watch .Just one thing is Dhaliwal going to broadcast from the corn fields from Chillawack .

  4. Nice Taylor You chose to take Darth Vader with you instead of Moj?? How can you do that? It was Taylor Moj and Henderson that made you guys such a success! What a joke! Rick was OK as a fill in but a steady diet of him? NAH!


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