An incredible life, having saved AM radio and creating the Conservative Radio Network throughout the United States of America
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An incredible life, having saved AM radio and creating the Conservative Radio Network throughout the United States of America
Read Much More HERE
I have no doubt that Rush embraced his beliefs and he did everything he could to benefit others .
Interestingly enough just because Rush gave his life to Jesus it will give the Rush Haters even more reason to hate him .
There is no winning with the ilk that includes haters of their fellow “People Kind” like Rasterman, Christine, Nodding Head, and a few more who spewed their hate for Limbaugh a few pages back .
Most in life will have a COME TO JESUS MOMENT!
Many will embrace this moment and their life will change.
Others will ponder the moment and may in time see it to take it or they may miss it.
Finally some others will let the Come To Jesus moment pass right on by.
It’s all a part of free will.
Rush had his Come To Jesus moment and he apparently embraced it. God bless him for such and thank God that he in his infinite wisdom helped Rush find his cause and voice for over 30 years of air waves opinion sharing, education of the public and broadcasting style.