some more Bell Media radio stuff



February 13, 2021

I hear from a highly reliable source that the only employee at CKGR Golden, part of the EZ Rock group anchored in Salmon Arm (Bell Media) was cut loose. Chris Cameron was anchoring a local morning show, looking after local sales and community relations. While Bell cutbacks are commonplace these days, this is a little unique. So when you turf the only employee and lock up the studio, seems to me Bell is in non-compliance with conditions of license for local origination. I could be mistaken of course, but when nobody’s left …. just sayin!


  1. No local representation in and around Salmon Arm is a DANGER! The CRTC needs to take this licence and give it to someone local. These remote communities should not be fed some feed from way outside the city they are supposed to represent. This has to be illegal!

  2. if I was a retired radio person, craving the good old glory top 40 instant request line days, I would volunteer to do a local air-shift, on a donation basis. You would probably make more than you did when you were on a payroll

  3. People need to demand that Justin Trudeau force Bell to sell these assets instead of being allowed to gut them for a slightly better profit margin.

  4. Sell them? To who? You think Bell didn’t try that. Ask the people who tried Roundhouse Radio in Vancouver. Big egos, big dreams, no money.

  5. Hi Brenda, I can confirm that Bell did not try to sell 1040. Look at CHEK. Global tried to kill it until government stepped in and forced them to sell it instead and it’s been a great success. When you aggressively seem to be supporting Bell’s mass layoffs, that tells us everything we need to know about your character.

  6. Brenda, your statement that Bell tried to sell those stations to local owners is factually incorrect. If you think those stations should be gutted without being put up for sale first to try and find a local buyer, that says everything we need to know about how you see the world.

  7. Probably be a great idea to offer to sell 1040 to people that care…..for a decent price.
    Then you’d see how a station can make it with local control, content and market knowledge.
    I believe we’re going to see many chains trying to kill their smaller market and some larger market stations to reduce overhead and increase profit. The best thing that could happen to increase chances of the radio business ultimately surviving is to offer these stations to local ownership. The only way this business is going to survive is for it to go back to doing the only thing it does really well, reflecting the local community. Local control is essential to do that effectively.

  8. I’m not sure what folks are missing here. The CEO’s of all the big telecoms have said plain and simple. Their focus is on wireless. Radio makes up a tiny portion of their biz, and it’s suffering badly. Look at the quarterly reports which break down their business segments. So, feel free to give it your best shot…send Bell an offer. But before you do, read the statement last week issued by Bell’s CEO. It’s easy to bark from the sidelines when you don’t have any financial skin in the game and/or have never run business.

  9. Brenda, I’m not barking from the sidelines. I currently own two local radio stations and both are doing very well by paying attention and building relationships with their listeners and advertisers. I do confess my net on gross revenue isn’t up to “big telecom’s’ standards but we are profitable.

  10. Brenda, try to understand what Older Radio Guy, an owner, is saying.
    Take 1040 as an example. The former Team on-air staff have value to we listeners…not all is wireless these days, despite what the CEO’s might think.
    If Bell is so smart and wireless focused, sell the 1040 frequency for example to former Team1040 staff. If those former hosts for example are as hot a commodity as they believe, let them “Phoenix* their way to success.
    I and 7 other partners re-built a bankrupt high-tech firm years ago, that went from an initial staff/partners level of 16 to 129 over 5 years, and a public listing in Toronto.
    Great things can take place with a dedicated group who have their own skin in the game…Team1040 could flourish by getting Bell out of the picture!


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