Peach City Radio second On-Air-versary storms the airwaves

Jackie Del Rizzo and Stanley Zappa were on-air as just one of the programs for Peach City Radio’s first ONAIRversary in 2020. (Brennan Phillips – Western News)

The community radio station is close to their $4,000 fundraising goal

February 6, 2021

Penticton’s own Peach City Radio is celebrating their second On-Air-versary, and the fundraising is already well on its way.

The local community non-profit radio station, CFUZ 92.9, is running its anniversary programming all day until 9 p.m. and is currently sitting at $3,875 of their $4,000 goal.

The fundraising drive is the station’s main one, after their Okanagan Vinyl Fest fundraiser for 2020 was canceled due to COVID-19.

Last year’s first ONAIRversary was a big success for the station, raising $5,192 over the goal of $4,000.

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