If you love music, chances are you’re familiar with Larry Green’s voice. The radio host had a storied career, but, as his son Marc reveals, his home life was where he put his most important energy.
By Ed Brown

January 24, 2021
Larry Green
April 8, 1940 — Jan. 2, 2021
On the surface, Larry Green was the life of the party. “He lit up a room,” says Marc, one of Larry’s two children. “He had jokes coming out of his yingyang. Everyone was disarmed by his humour.”
But there was more to Larry than his outgoing personality. Like a Japanese reflecting pool, he had depth.
The radio star, record company executive and jazz aficionado came from humble beginnings. As an adult, Larry waxed nostalgic about his childhood but talked less about conflicts in his boyhood home at 18 Major St.
Born and raised in Kensington Market, Lawrence Greenstein was the only child of Anne and Fred Greenstein. Like others in the immigrant enclave, the family scraped by. Larry knew scarcity. At 10, hunger compelled him to steal shelled peanuts from a barrel in a local shop.
From street dances to rent parties, Kensington Market served up a musical smorgasbord and Larry devoured it all.
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