Thanks to Gord Lansdell of NW Broadcasters for this story…
Warren Dean joins CTV Vancouver Island, filling in for Brittany King while she’s on maternity leave. He’s been Senior Weather Anchor at CTV Regina for the last two years, while King is also morning co-host at Virgin Radio CHBE-FM 107.3 Victoria.
He’s funny and knows the weather stuff good.
Hopefully here for longer. Perhaps Brittany won’t want the split shift when she comes back from mat leave.
Warren, we miss you here in Saskatchewan. Please hurry back
Warren, I am nearly 80, a Sask boy, haven’t lived in Sask since 1965 and still love the Riders. I watched CTV Regina for the nostalgia, but soon came to like it b/c of your performances, You really are the best… grow beyond weather, the world is yours. Hopefully, the US doesn’t steal you away.
A HUGE west coast island welcome to you Warren; this greeting coming from a former prairie dog. It appears you and news anchor Andrew are having a good time “on air”. My wife and I love your wonderful sense of humour. Over the years we have come to learn the names of Andrew’s cats Brie and Cheddar and I believe you mentioned you have 2 dogs. …Bernie and ????. There are a whole bunch of pet lovers on the island and I’m sure would love learn of Bernie’s brother?…sister???. Again welcome…stay positive-test negative-live your life to the fullest.
We miss Warren so much. The best T.V. personality in Canada
Oh gosh, Warren was the best weather person we’ve had for years. Certainly a loss for Saskatchewan, where we tend to be obsessed with weather. Best wishes Warren.
So very sad Warren has left Regina. We loved his humour!!
Good luck in Victoria
Sad to having lost you to The Island. Best wishes. Hope you eventually will return to the prairies.
Sorry to see you go…you’re a class act and a professional. Good luck.
Sure miss you, Warren. Your professionalism and great sense of humour are really missed in Regina. Wish you well and would love to see you return to Saskatchewan someday.
Yes, we are missing Warren. He was always interesting and we learned a few things too.
Enjoy the green country, Warren.
is he coming back to Saskatchewan? We don’t blame him for the cold winters
Warren’s great! A good fit on the newscast…we hope he stays. He’s funny!
Welcome to Victoria! I was also born in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, a great place to call home.
I continue to enjoy your weather reports, as well as your common sense approach to the day to day event! Job well done!
I am from a small in saskatchewan called Wadena and I watched CTV Regina at 6 and I must say I truly miss Mr. Dean giving he made it very interesting and not plain . I still get my weather but is not the same .
Eh!Eh!Eh! Warren, you make the Weather, interesting, funny, and generally GREAT.
Thank You.
You bring a sparkle to our weather forecasts. Thank you! Perhaps you’ll stay on the Island.
Please stay in Victoria! You are a treasure. I switched news channels to watch Warren. Especially enjoy you on the last laugh.