by Eric Mack
January 18, 2021
CNN is making no mistake about it: It wants to censor and close Newsmax from broadcasting as a cable news channel.
Apparently jolted by the fact Newsmax has skyrocketed to become the 4th highest-rated cable news channel in the country, the liberal CNN is decrying what it calls Newsmax’s “election denialism” and is seeking to have it “deplatformed” from cable and satellite systems across the nation.
Oliver Darcy, CNN’s leftwing media critic, has been demanding cable operators drop Newsmax, which is currently carried by every major system in the nation. Newsmax is also streamed free by most OTT platforms and devices.
In a CNN column in early January, Darcy falsely claimed conservative media caused the protests at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
I thought we were supposed to have a free press in America? Maybe CNN should be shut down? Maybe GM should demand Ford shut down. Ridiculous.
No doubt about it, trolls like Stelter, Jake, Don Le Mon, Anderson, Todd, Reid, and all the rest will now become emboldened and headlines like this will become the norm .
Add to the fact that about 80 % of the Educators from K – 12 and right up through University Graduation indoctrinate the students rather than teach them .
The only hope those that believe in free enterprise, freedom of independent thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of movement can wish for is an almost certain “Over Reach” by the Biden Admin and their handlers thus resulting in Republican victories in the House and the Senate in 2022 . Oh yes, we also might see more Republican Governors elected at that same time .
Interestingly enough poor Sock Puppet Joe may not even be POTUS by the 2022 Senate and House elections, if it is indeed then Kamala in the White House we might see even bigger victories by the Republicans .
BMCQ… it’s a “fact” is it? You demand proof that CoVid actually exists (even though the medical community clearly has), yet casually throw out “facts” like this in your second paragraph. Get a grip.
If someone said the sky is blue you would argue it. Any comment I always scroll down because I know there will be some stupid comment from you below it.
BMCQ: What do you eat for breakfast? I want to be sure I avoid it. It seems to make you deny common sense and become very confrontational and arbitrary. Maybe try Raisin Bran and see if it makes any difference.
Can someone (anyone) explain the difference between Fox’s opinion block and what Jake Tapper and Don Lemon do? I’m not offended by any of these people but it bothers me that the internet mob seems to only have a problem with one side.
Robb – David – Terry
Thank you all for the very kind words !
Not once have I ever stated that I do not believe C – 19 is a real and clear danger to humans world wide, as a matter of fact someone that works for my company based in Arizona had C – 19 last April . I also know a few others who have had the virus . You must be confusing me with someone else .
It is only my opinion but from what I see Jake, Don Le Mon, Anderson, and Cuomo masquerade as Hard News but they are no different than the FOX opinion hosts .
Someone on CNN I do record and watch is Michael Smerconish on Sat AM as he does attempt to be fair and balanced and has guests that support all sides of any argument much of the time .
He does a poll every week that always falls at about 70% Liberal and 30% centre right and that poll is a waste of time because each and every week it reflects the politics of his viewing audience .
Having said that I find him refreshing and he puts up comments from the viewing audience which reflects both sides of any argument .
Breakfast ? I am at my desk every morning before 5 AM, I already follow your suggestion, my breakfast consists of a nice bowl of Bran Flakes, works just fine for me .
As to being confrontational ? Not at all, I just simply go about my day doing the best I can to win friends and influence people just like you .
Why don’t you actually post an opinion about something on PSR, show us what you have, show us you can actually put a thought or two together, several of us might agree with what you have to say for yourself . Come on David, give it a try .
Robb – David – Terry
Thank you all for the very kind words !
Not once have I ever stated that I do not believe C – 19 is a real and clear danger to humans world wide
I HAVE – in fact I am still WAITING to pay out a $1000 bounty to any of you bozos who think covid is real. Still waiting 7 months that I have put out my bounty.
To any of you that keep saying “I had it – I know someone who had it” BS…no…you know someone who tested positive using the FAKE FRAUD PCR test. That does not mean you have/had the FAKE virus. It means you tested positive using a FAKE test.
Kindly post “credible” Isolation Data of covid and I will gladly pay anyone the $1000 bounty. CREDIBLE evidence. Not the garbage evidence like I got from FAKE Phd Jason Kindrachuk who sent me data on some guys pee in South Korea or the Sunny Hill in TO people who had a whole “two subjects”.
I don’t have a Phd or MD but I am smart enough to know that if you showed up in an auditorium to defend your Phd with TWO WHOLE SUBJECTS in a world of 8 billion you would get laughed out of the FAKE university you were attending.
CREDIBLE evidence means 500 subjects. Triplicate. BOTH genders. Multiple races. Old and Young. Healthy and Sick.
Until we see “credible” evidence of Covid Isolation….everything else is BUNK and all you idiots living on earth that believe in this FRAUDdemic are living in B Rated science fiction movie.
I can do you one better .
I suggest you move into the Little Mountain Long Term Care Home for two weeks without taking any Covid – 19 precautions for a week or two, become a sitting duck like some of the old folks and disabled there with no place to go and no place to hide, and see how that works out for you .
I look forward to your report .
As to your $ 1,000.00 bet ? I do not need your money and besides you would not understand the documented report science could provide you .
Look, I have many questions about C – 19, the W.H.O., China who seem to be getting away with murder, Canada Health Dr. Tam, and so much more and I even question the count of C – 19 deaths in LTC Homes as I believe a high percentage of Flu Deaths are being categorized as C – 19 deaths but what you are selling is plain imbecilic and juvenile .
Please do not forget to let me know how it works out after you move into at Little Mountain, in the meantime I can only offer you my sympathy and hope someone in your family can help you out .
Perhaps you could take a minute here and outline just why you believe the “Hoax” is being perpetrated on the worlds population, I for one would like to see you present the facts .
I can do you one better .
I suggest you move into the Little Mountain Long Term Care Home for two weeks without taking any Covid – 19 precautions for a week or two, become a sitting duck like some of the old folks and disabled there with no place to go and no place to hide, and see how that works out for you .
What a stupid retort. Guess what? OLD people die at OLD folks homes. All the time. Everyday. Long long long before the fake virus. My wife IS a health care worker that works with old people. She like me can think. And she is shaking her head at all the brainwashed people like you and all the other Govt Workers brainwashed into thinking this FAKE virus is real.
There is ZERO evidence it is real. If it is REAL where is the evidence? Show it to us please. Actual science. Not some BOO HOO story of people dying from the same crap as 2019. Oh and guess what? The SAME amount of people died in Canada and the USA in 2020 as in 2019. Imagine my shock.
Show us the evidence covid is real. I’ll wait…