Numeris Scrapping TV Diary Survey


Courtesy of Broadcast Dialogue

January 17, 2021

Alongside Numeris’ announcement Thursday that it’s rolling out its cross-platform Video Audience Measurement (VAM) solution nationally, the broadcast measurement agency revealed in a communique to members that it’s scrapping its TV Diary service.

Numeris paper diary

Completed weekly by randomly selected households, the paper TV Diary method has been capturing viewing habits across the country for decades. Portable People Meter (PPM) technology was adopted by major market stations in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver in the mid-2000s.

While Numeris had an online Radio Diary system already in place when the agency was forced to transition its staff to work from home at the outset of the COVID-19 lockdown in March, that was not the case with the television service. With no remote TV diary in place and unable to process physical diary returns, Numeris made the call to cancel the Fall 2020 ratings release, saying in July that it would focus on Spring 2021.

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  1. You have been watching to much Trump tv! Go back into your basement on this fake news stuff! Maybe some news isn’t always 100% at the time given, this Donald Trump and his brainwashing of everything isn’t giving you much credit anymore. It’s so funny how some humans get something in there head and then completely run with it. Just like all of you that continue to say CKNW is just doing so awful? If being number one and have that much money generated from advertising, then damn it I want to be awful too! Hear what you ONLY want to hear and run with it. Thank god the old complaining dinosaurs will be extinct soon enough!


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