Image Credit: FACEBOOK / Andy & Tj
by Carli Berry
December 31, 2020
Kelowna’s longest running morning show with Andy and Tj has been cancelled.
The morning hosts of Move 101.5 (formerly 101.5 EZ Rock) in Kelowna announced the show’s termination via Facebook today, Dec. 29.
iHeartRadio Canada announced, Dec. 28, the launch of a new national radio brand Move Radio in 10 markets across Canada including in Kelowna and Penticton.
Kelowna’s CILK 101.5 EZ Rock and Penticton’s CJMG 97.1 Sun FM have been rebranded as Move Radio.
Happy New Year to All!
I am deeply saddened by the fact that the long drawn out forest fire in Radio in Canada especially in the west is seeing a demise of REAL TRUE CREATIVITY. Nowhere to be found. Didn’t Tom Leykis belt out his comments years ago that too many Religious buildings were going to be sold off? That’s in the US. Their properties were worth more than the Statins themselves. I remember the Tom Snyder Show on NBC. He had 3 o4 4 DJ”S talking of what they thought was going to happen to RADIO. I do remember one of them saying(Murray the K) that a lot of signals or licences would be transferred over to the military for some PURPOSE. Did that happen? I do know that if there is any MARKET in the US and Canada that has a very Strong foundation, it would be here in the GREAT PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. I LOVE IT!!!
Pencil necks running radio. The only commodity left for radio to survive is local, local, local…and now that is being thrown out the door for a nationally syndicated show during the most important time slot of the day. A once great industry destroyed by EPS (earnings per share). What a sad state of affairs for an industry intent on destroying itself.
Word out of Kamloops is Bob “Big Market” Price was let go for generally being an arrogant dinosaur. Buh-bye.
Bob/Jennifer. 100% agree. Sad situation as local radio builds connections, community, and serves a valuable purpose by doing so.
It’s because of 30% Can Con
I hate it. So true. Willy in the morning also broadcast into Calgary? Pathetic. Tragic. RADIO, RADIO! (Elvis Costello) but I still listen all the time.