Update: He passed away on Saturday, December 26th in Olympia, WA at the age of 87.
Heartfelt condolences to Connie and family…
Curtis was hired at KJR-AM in the 60’s by the late great Pat O’Day as an on-air jock. Dick also got involved in concert promotions and joined with Pat under the banner Concerts West. Curtis later crossed the street to competitor KOL where he became the PD. In recent years he did morning news at KVI in Seattle. He also wrote a number of excellent articles and did numerous documentaries on the like of Bob Dylan and other famous artists he worked with over the years, and granted permission for Puget Sound Radio permission to republish them here on PSR. HERE
Thanks for the memories Dick, and say hi to Pat!
Obituary in the Seattle Times
I’m sorry to hear about Dick Curtis. I used to listen to him on Seattle radio in the 1980s and early 90s. I used to enjoy listening to his voice as he introduced us to who was playing our favourite musicians. I didn’t know who he was, other than his name.