The Grim TV Ratings Reality of 2020

TLC; Photofest (3)

by Rick Porter

The Hollywood Reporter

December 23, 2020

The vast majority of ad-supported networks lost audience, sometimes a lot of it, this year.

When the first set of widespread pandemic stay-at-home orders came down in March, TV usage soared across the board. Several network series, including NBC’s Chicago shows and ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, drew their largest audiences in months, even years, even as streaming was also climbing.

It didn’t last. TV usage came down to its usual level within a couple of months, meaning the temporary ratings gains of March and April couldn’t reverse larger, systemic declines on ad-supported networks. As the pandemic caused production delays on scores of shows destined for spring and summer, a dwindling inventory of shows on traditional networks further depressed viewing.

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  1. HAHAHAHAHA – even with the BULL-sheviks forcing everyone to stay at home they Got Woke and Went Broke.

    Can’t wait to see what the crappy numbers are like for local radio. And I don’t mean 1-10 ratings…I mean actual numbers of listeners….which was already going down by the summer.

  2. Maybe better content and shows is the answer?

    Maybe trust in the media alienated people from the networks?

    In gatherings I have been to the conversation about the lack of quality programing often comes up. I, like many of my friends, rarely watch network TV and most avoid the network news. (BTW I have many friends on both sides of the political aisle.)

  3. Who still is using cable? We got out just about eighteen months ago, dont be a slave to the Shaw family. Unless you love giving away your money on channels you dont use.

  4. Mr Park

    A TV is one of the many things which were procalaimed to be The End Of Radio.

    Television, like motion pictures, talking motion pictures, tape recorders, muisc videos, satellite radio, the internet, mp3 players, streaming audio, streaming video, podcasts and the occasional firing of Everyone’s Favourite On Air Host have yet to end radio, Radio seems to be able to find different ways to remain a part of enough people’s lives to carry on, 120 years after it came to life, Enough so that Mr Easton makes a living by offering a place for people to discuss it . :- }


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