The Plot to Steal America…


2020 has been a year like no other… everything we know, everything we trust, and everything we come to rely on has changed.


  1. Soon…it will be time to finish the fight. The Bolsheviks are not going to get away with what they did when they formed the USSR. Not this time…

  2. Oh, for sure. This is absolutely proof of a conspiracy on top levels to turn the USA in the USSR. Not a doubt in anyone’s mind. This….Seth Holehouse person has seen through all of the bluster and the lies. He’s legit. He’s not that damned mainstream media.

  3. Poor Donald… his scam has taken another hit. Fox, Newsmax, and OAN have had to issue statements acknowledging that allegations of voting machine fraud are not evidence based, nor are the stories about Dominion Voting Systems being linked to Chavez, the Clintons, Soros, or whoever else. I wait to see how Ghouliani spins this one.

  4. Neil
    Poor Donald… his scam has taken another hit. Fox, Newsmax, and OAN have had to issue statements acknowledging that allegations of voting machine fraud

    Oh look everyone…another person who “pretends” there is no voter fraud. You know what else is true? Artificial sweeteners are safe, WMDs are definitely in Iraq and Anna Nicole Smith married for love. All true. I promise.

  5. Barack Obama:
    —69,000,000 votes
    —873 counties

    Donald Trump:
    —75,000,000 votes
    —2,497 counties

    Joe Biden:
    —81,000,000 votes
    —477 counties


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