Northwest TV legend Bob Newman has died

Bob Newman (right) played Gertrude alongside J.P. Patches on KIRO TV in Seattle for decades; he passed away this week after a long illness. (KIRO TV)

By Feliks Banel

December 21, 2020

Legendary and beloved local TV performer Bob Newman, who played Gertrude and Boris S. Wart and other iconic characters alongside J.P. Patches on KIRO TV for decades, passed away earlier this week. Bob’s family asked KIRO Radio’s resident historian Feliks Banel, who knew and worked with Bob for many years, to help prepare this obituary, which was released by the family late Friday evening.

Robert Lee “Fabulous Bob” Newman
January 24, 1932 to December 13, 2020

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  1. Gertrude and JP were a huge part of my childhood. (truth is I watched the show as a teenager)
    One of my lifelong regrets was not booking JP and Gertrude to entertain my kids . To all of Mr Newmans family my deepest condolences.


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