Climbing the ladder of Success… from reporter to news anchor to News Director and Station Manager…
A Great Success Story!
Veteran Vancouver broadcaster Jill Krop has been named the BCAB Broadcaster of the Year for 2020.
Jill was the BC Regional Director of Global News from 2015 – 2020. She had been with BCTV (now Global BC) since 1997 before stepping down earlier this year.
Watch video BCAB News
She may be crowned top of the heap, but some of her hires have been rather suspect. Anyone notice Sarah MacDonald drags the end of her words way too often. She’s almost spitting out sounds to my listening ear.
Congratulations, I may as well say it 1 more time: Jill is the cream of the Kropp
How can you be a braodcaster of the year…… When you are not on TV or radio broadcasting….
To the great one: Broadcasters are, by profession, not always on the air. There are many broadcasters who contribute to the broadcast from behind the scenes. Besides, Jill spent many years behind a microphone honing her craft before taking to a desk other than the anchor position.
Exactly what trail did she blaze this past year. All I’ve seen is the same old same old.