I was nine years old when my dad and brother walked over Doncaster hill to where the new tv station was being built. It was a cold November day as we watched the Westinghouse trucks unloading and moving the new tv stations equipment into their new facilities on Epsom Drive in Saanich.
and then on December 1st, 1956 Victoria’s first television station CHEK TV signed on the air.
Enjoy some of the screenshots from the CHEK TV archives, with credit going to the Victoria Daily Times times story in the Nov. 30th 1956 issue of the newspaper

Site of CHEK TV to be located at the end of Epsom Drive in Saanich, overlooking Cedar Hill Golf Course.

64 Years ago it all began in Victoria, British Columbia..

David M. Armstrong signs papers with partner Charles White and Dr. M.M. Mathison.
CHEK is an amazing story.