We just came across Connie Thompson’s facebook profile page announcing her retirement, not just from the industry, but after 46, yes count them, 46 years with KOMO 4
“Congratulations Connie!!!
Connie Thompson
· I’ve been walking down memory lane! Pulled a few photos from the past after hitting my 46th year at KOMO last month! Where does the time go? (Yes, I was 12 when I started!) This is my way of letting you know that I’m retiring from KOMO next month and even with the pandemic, am really looking forward to 2021! In the meantime, I’m working from home like so many others – doing what I can to help consumers solve problems and even better, prevent them! Thank you for being there. Keep taking care of yourselves and don’t forget to do your homework before you make those important decisions that affect your money, your privacy and your home. Life Is Good!
Congratulations Connie Thompson, did not watch every night bu when I did I always enjoyed your broadcast and professionalism .
Holy moly! 46 years of professional presentation. People who commit murder don’t spend that much time in prison. Thanks for your kindness. You are a quality human being.
Thank You Connie! It has been a joy and pleasure to not only watch you on tv, but to know that you were reporting on topics that affected our community. Thank you for being so kind and transparent with your reporting. I will miss seeing you, but wish you all the happiness and joy for your retirement.