October 20, 2020
Wayne Dobson retired after a successful 36-year career with the Jim Pattison Broadcasting Group. Here is his story in a nutshell.
Wayne was born in Toronto in 1950. He was raised by kind and amiable parents who were excellent role models; he picked up those same qualities. His mother worked as the unit secretary for the Canadian Cancer Society for over 30 years and everyone who knew her loved her. His father worked as a funeral director and with National Cash Register in Toronto. Wayne emulates his father’s leadership qualities with a calm voice and great listening, counseling and communication skills. Without even knowing it, he learned to be thorough and paid attention to details thanks to his role models. He learned his business management skills in college along with a degree.
He worked at various jobs since he was 14 years old and still had time to volunteer at his church.
During his high school years, he was on the student council and was selected to be the valedictorian of his class.
After high school, he attended Humber College in Toronto from 1970-1974 and studied for a career in radio broadcasting and management. He was rated as an outstanding student and has awards to prove it.
Upon graduation, he received a call from CHQM-FM in Vancouver, requesting him to fly to Vancouver for a job interview. By this time, he already had job offers in Toronto but the pull of an expense paid trip to Vancouver seemed too good to pass up.
To make a long story short, while he was there for the interview, he was invited to attend the B.C. Association of Broadcasters convention where he happened to meet Gordon Leighton, the general manager of CKPG in Prince George. Leighton invited him to Prince George to check out a job offer with the Jim Pattison Broadcasting Group.
Wayne was impressed, signed a one-year contract and started in the fall of 1974 as a sales representative. Before long, he moved up to sales management for 12 years before retiring after 36 years of service.
He said, “That was the best 36-year ride of my life. We had our ups and downs but it was a great career. We survived two recessions in the 80s which wasn’t easy but we did it. We had fun every day; we did stupid and crazy things but we got the job done with dignity.
“In our job at the radio station we always knew about everything that was going on in the community. I made friendships with my clients and within the community. I am proud to say that I never used a friendship to land an advertising sale.
“CKPG always offered courses to continue our learning of new changes coming to the industry. I have to thank them for that because they made it easier for us to keep up with all the latest advancements and there were many over the years.
“CKPG remains the training grounds for news broadcasters and journalist. They take the time to discuss how to go about writing stories, how to look good in front of a camera – basically it is really acting and theatre training – plus make-up and wardrobe training and how to deliver the news. CKPG has launched the careers of many successful broadcast journalists over the years.”
Wayne was always willing to do volunteer work in his community. He is a 30-year member of the downtown Rotary club where he served as a director and received the Paul Harris Fellowship Award.
He is a 30 year volunteer with the YMCA that included 12 years as chairman of the board.
He shares his professional entertainment skills as a drummer and for the past 25 years he has been playing with the worship team at the St. Giles Presbyterian Church.
He hosted many telethons at Vanier Hall and raised a ton of money for the community.
In 1983, Wayne got married and had three children: Bailey, Garrett and Tanner. When the couple separated in 1996, Wayne continued to raise the children. Together, they enjoyed sports and lots of fishing at their cabin at Norman Lake – his haven for the past 36 years. He is currently the president of the Norman Lake Community Association.
In 1994, he started teaching marketing at the College of New Caledonia and later added classes in consumer behaviour.
In 2014, he applied and successfully became a marriage commissioner with the intention of doing the perfect wedding for his clients and making sure they were comfortable and happy on their big day. Since then, he has married over 250 couples.
In conclusion, Wayne said, “Prince George is significant and important to me because the people make a difference here. If you ever have second thoughts of leaving Prince George – think again – your social network is here, your friends are here and if you are lucky your family is here as well.”
I remember Wayne, I worked with him along with the late Dave Ross at CKPG, 2 real radio guys