Word has it Kent Morrison has been absent from Global Edmonton on air waves for the last few weeks, and now his image and bio have been removed from the TV stations website. It was reported they are looking for a replacement. No details as to Morrison’s next move…
I truly hope the rumors are incorrect regarding Kent no longer with Global News. I loved watching him. He was funny and very professional. If he is gone i wish him all the best in his new endeavor.
I would like to know why Kent Morrison is no longer on global news. I am a loyal global news watcher and feel that the public deserves an explanation as to why he no longer is on air.
He posted a video on Twitter of him entering through a door marked “CTV Green Room”. Make of that what you will.
So sorry to see you go. Now my news isn’t as special as I would like it to be. All the best and I hope for only good things in your future. Regards…..Eddie
Sorry to hear this … Kent will be missed and all the best to you in your future ?
All his social media accounts indicate he has crossed the street to CTV to anchor CTV Morning Live
I am sooo disappointed that Kent is gone. Maybe change my morning news channel
He will be missed what happened just like CTV morning news they were let go no good by or nothing
Good luck Kent. Miss your humour. Let’s go with Ryan Jesperson. He deserves to ‘say sorry’ and get another chance, like many politicians do.
I wonder why it was kept under wraps. I just assume for the last couple weeks that Ken was on holidays. It wasn’t till the global morning show said he was gone… I wonder if Kent and Global had a falling out ?? Kent’s wife works at CTV too.. CTV was looking for a new morning hosts since Stacey and Rob were terminated.
I imagine the nursing homes are abuzz with the speculation that he will be the new morning co-host on CTV Edmonton.
Nobody else is watching this “news”, and thus, nobody else actually cares.
Also, I imagine Gord is checking his mail slot hourly for HIS pink slip since competitor Darryl was let go. Apparently, it really DOESN’T matter who reads the press releases from government and industry – as long as they look nice and have a pleasant speaking matter, the shut-ins will tune in.
The rest of us get their “news” from that newfangled thing called the Internet.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: schedule reruns of I Love Lucy, Schitt’s Creek or Corner Gas in the 5PM and 6PM slots. They will draw higher ratings.
Noon news is better without him, Jen can do it herself. Get rid of news at five o clock. Waste of air time.
Maybe someone who works with him offended him or his wife I watch it every day they blurt stuff out that has nothing to do with the news ?
He made the morning news as far as I am concerned. We enjoyed him so much. What is happening to our Edmonton media? We will miss you Kent
With share it was announced really early so weird that he is just gone
Sorry. I meant shay ganam
Kent, we too thought you were on holidays till I saw this post. We will miss your smiling face, your great sense of humor and we found you to be very professional at your job . Wishing you all the best on your next journey. Global lost a great employee. Take care
Sorry to see you go Kent. I liked you on Global Morning News . Will miss you
I was disappointed when Kent left the weekend news, but happy for his move to the morning/noon news. No send off this time was very disappointing too. He has a great personality and is very professional for someone so young. It is very sad that his departure from Global for whatever reason was delivered in such a cold way. He was clearly a favourite to everyone on the morning news. Wishing you all the best Kent on your next endeavour. You will be missed. Take care…
What the hell? I love Kent and his beard. As for a Stacey and Rob at CTV, they were better than their replacements.
I will not be watching global ever again. Global has made a huge mistake. Where ever you go you will be loved. Thanks for the great time .
Not surprised at all. Their news is hardly ” top notch”. The production is a joke. Where do they get the kids that work behind the scenes?
This news reminds me of ” the Big Breakfast” on the old A channel.
Kent was the best announcer on global. Global is lucky there are no other good news stations. Also enjoyed Ryan Jesperson. Get it together
I was so disappointed to hear that Kent was not returning. I thought he was just on holidays..My morning news without him will not be the same. I liked his humour and was very professional at his job. When he left the Sat & Sun week-end news, it too, was never worth watching again… Global lost 2 good guys – Kent & Ryan Jesperson, what is wrong with this station!!!
I absolutely loved Kent on the weekends , then on week days. I am so sorry he has left, if this is true. If, Global removed you, they have made a big mistake. Kinda suspect given Ryan J’s departure. Hmmm. Maybe thinking of moving channels
Why do comments have to be moderated? If you don’t like we say you are going to sensor us? If that is so, then it’s a good bye to global for ma
I’m still not over losing Shea (Oh Good Lord) Gannam! Enjoyed Kent as well. All the best in your new spot. ‘The Girls’ are doing great on Global. And yes for Larry’s comment above I still watch the news on tv and I am nowhere near a nursing home. ?
I was watching the Global morning news Partly because I liked Kent, If he has gone to CT V I will watch that ,
Very disappointed. I will be watching another station. No send off? No explanation?
Disrespectful towards his fans?
I hope you have gone to greener pastures. I will look for you.
I as a viewer am truly disappointed that shay and Jennifer are no longer on the morning news
Kent was very professional, but when they started throwing paper in the air at the end of the segment, that is so not professional, Erin seems to feel it’s the Erin show, the high 5s, last Friday I was in the kitchen and I heard Erin whinnying on the air I came back into the living room to see what was happening, I thought is she’s drunk???? When she use to fill in at times was not bad
But she is not the right fit for that morning spot also the good 4 minutes which my family and I enjoyed we don’t any more she spends so much time explaining what we’re about to watch that the four minutes just blew by. I know that this will fall upon deaf ears so you have lost another 5 viewers from our household also friends of ours don’t watch global anymore due to the lack of professionalism that has been displayed. You wouldn’t see Gordon or Caroline act like idiots
How your ratings will drop, its the management who should curb the problem how many more good reporters will you lose before you clean up house? I’ve watched this news station for at least 40years but until you make positive changes I’m no longer interested in watching your station no more. I think management needs to be replaced too, and that’s a fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to see you go Kent. You are the reason I watch global morning and boo. What is happening to Edmonton news morning shows?????
Kent is going to CTV Edmonton. I think he is off Global as he gave his notice to his employer and there is probably a necessary break before he starts at CTV. His wife works at CTV Edmonton and I suspect he was hired away due to his ratings potential. Global wins the ratings war on a regular basis. Go look at his Instagram account. It shows him walking down a corridor and pointing to CTV green room sign. Just watch for the big launch.
I was sad to see Kent leave the wknd morning news, now to find out he is gone from the weekday morning news. If he is indeed gone to CTVs Morning Live, he will be better than who is there now. I miss Robby and Stacy. They made the morning show with their rapport. The news sucks in general anyway. Too depressing to watch. ??♀️
If Kent is gone,I wish Global Edmonton would let people know. If it was his choice
or not. I thought he was a great anchor, funny and so professional. Will miss
him a lot.
Oh I am so disappointed that Kent is no longer at Global. I though he was on holidays…but thought Jennifer was in his seat …. then just looked it up and discovered all the comments. No explanation?
Really joyed him on the weekend am shows and then when he got the am/ Noon gig! Thought he was a really good fit and professional with humor!
Best of luck Kent in your future endeavours!
Kent will be missed now If Aaron let I would be happy
Kent will be missed, Now if Aaron left I would be happy
The local nursing home had a parade of ambulances taking the residents away yesterday. I couldn’t understand why, and then I read that the bearded host of Global’s mourning show was no longer there. Today, the ambulances were lined up bringing the residents back to the home, and I read that the bearded mourning host was going to host CTV’s mourning show. Coincidence? I think not.
Sad to see you go Kent you and Kevin made my days on the weekend or at least mornings. Your love of life, sport and family is incredible even though you hail from Saskatchewan I always found your humor very interesting. Take Kevin with you where ever you go and light up the Edmonton Air Waves you will be followed. With what just happened at CTV with their anchors I would get an iron clad contract in place. Cheers hope to see you soon sir.
When Kent first started on the weekend, we didn’t think he would fit in with Kevin , but it didn’t take long before he made it his show we were sad to see him go to the early morning show, now we are going to look at CTV early morning news and global may be gone from our agenda
It’s official. Kent starts at CTV on Nov. 2 @ 5:30 AM. Global people sure seem to be under a lot of stress as of late. Emailed them about 3 weeks ago. No response which did not surprise me.
I stopped watching Global since Aaron started reminding all the viewers that it was her “payday”. A Real slap in the face to ALL of those unemployed because of Covid 19 and oil recession presently in the province. Likely over 50% of those watching. I emailed Global asking if their employee “payday” was information actually news worthy..? I guess it is, as the reminders continued. That’s when I said No More Global For Me..!!
Congratulations Kent! No reason now to watch Global with their unprofessionalism (especially Daintre and Erin). You would think it was a comedy show. Time to switch to CTV.
I will miss Kent hope Mike stays whats going on????????/ I feel different about Global now also will still watch but not as much…… evening anchors are good hope Jessie stays and Kevin, and Phil Darlington I will be watching the Morning Show on C.T.V. with Kent now starting Nov.02,2020. Good Luck Kent you deserve it.
Is Global owned by CNN they seem to be getting as pathetic. The anchors are supposed to read the news not preach there negative responses. It pisses me that Kent is gone but leave Dantre and Erin alone.
Will no longer watch Global when I wake up. I wonder how Mike can stand working with all the nonprofessional women.
That’s truly sad to hear Kent has left Global. Kent & Kevin were the best part of the weekend – a real hoot those two were – so full of fun & upbeat!! Followed Kent to the morning news & I guess will be following him to CTV. Congratulations Kent & wishing you only the best in your new position.
Hey Rick you sound like a big baby we will all miss Kent. You said leave Daintre and Erin alone
Don’t whine it’s so unattractive , Lisa would be perfect for that spot, filling in the opening spot which is vacant now that Kent has left. The one day Lisa was doing the morning news Erin was rude to Lisa several times that is so unprofessional Lisa at least has class which Erin has displayed NONE!!!!!
It’s not the Erin show, she needs to go back into the field and do a lot more reporting she has not earned her spot just yet. She has no grace or finesse. One thing that did upset me several times
Is her begging out publicly for either free food or etc….. Hinting that people should go out of their ways and bring her free food. Anyone who deserves free food or handouts is our HOMELESS
Shame on you Mrs Erin Chalmers. It’s amazing how many people I know who cannot wait until Nov 2/20
I See why Kent was so happy to leave. We will not miss your pettiness which you display quite often.
Congratulations Kent!! You won’t be missed because we’re all right behind you see you at CTV
Nov 2/20
Where is Kent ? I often wonder how he handled working with Erin, the most unprofessional of them all. Her ( come on people) remarks really angers me, she is rude, especially to Lisa and Kent , she constantly interrupting others with her negativity option. Do the producers not see this? Looking forward to seeing you Kent at CTV you are why I watched the news.
Good girl, Maria J
Global needs to read all of the viewers comments. It would be nice to have Lisa and someone else who is more professional doing the news. But until global makes certain changes, my family and our friends have already switched to CTV News.
As of November 2/2020 CTV news ratings will increase 10 fold.
We miss you already Kent!!! CTV here we come!!! You should replace Erin with Lisa and start doing some damage control now!!!
Too bad Kent is gone. I have to say Jennifer Crosby is the most annoying person on Global. I am sure Kent thought so too.
She thinks she is the smartest person in the room and just wont shut up. Taking up time on the weather guys spiel. I have now started taping the noon show so I can fast forward through her
segments. Please tell her to be quiet or better yet put her behind the scenes. Hope she is not coming back as she has been away for a week or so. Also that Brieanne Carson Smith (or whatever her name is) is so rude and condescending to everyone. Never says thanks to weather person and has that smug look on her face ( for the radio only) I am usually gone once I see she is anchoring. Mike is the only one that holds that station together.
What a truly nice person and knows his weather and always very clever on any quizzes . Listen to the comments or no one will be left.
I thought the land border was closed to all non essential travel yet onthe news it showed people crossing at the coutts border whats going on
Finally info found about Kent. I really liked him as he was very professional. I wish him well and will be watching CTV. I do think it very unprofessional to throw up papers at the end of the morning show as well as the high fives.
I love watching the Edmonton news and was thrilled when Jen came back. I live in B.C. but enjoy the Edmonton news so much more, as they are more real and more like family. They make me smile . Keep up the good work!. Stay human
Where has Kent gone to from CTV ?
I really enjoyed Kent and Kevin and I think Kevin misses Kent too… but now Kent is M I A from CTV….hoping you are doing ok and that you are in good health in these times!!
Global is fake news like cnn news both are paid off by the government I suspect because I was on there news of the blockade in Edmonton and told them about Trudeau without swearing that he showed weakness out east now there in BC and Alberta and they never aired it ? Also sent them my gas bill with carbon tax $21 dollars and my gas bill in the summer was around $42 dollars which was huge percentage of gas being used (criminal act) and they never aired bad things government does / We need news for the people not hogwash!!!Thats why I don’t care to watch global news anymore!!!
Global and CNN i really suspect paid off by the government.
Bring Kent back he was the highlight of global
I used to watch global news every morning, I have stopped because of the screen changes, there are so many screens running across th bottom and the sides that I cannot pay attention to what the broadcasters are saying.. many of Friends and neighbours are doing the same thing.