OPINION: Solutions include regulatory reforms and equitable taxation for online media giants and a tax credit to B.C. broadcasters for the creation of made-in-B.C. content.
by Rob Bye
President of the B.C. Association of Broadcasters, the voice of private radio and television broadcasters across B.C.
Vancouver Sun
October 1, 2020
This spring, without warning, Kelowna radio station Soft 103.9 went off the air in what was described as Canada’s first broadcasting casualty linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the microphones fell silent, journalists lost their jobs, businesses lost an advertising vehicle, and a community lost an important voice.
In the months ahead, I fear this story will repeat itself in communities across B.C.
COVID-19 wasn’t the only reason for the closure of this station. But the pandemic delivered the death knell — and it is threatening to do the same to other private radio and television stations British Columbians depend upon.
It is a difficult position for broadcasters, especially considering our role during the COVID-19 crisis. Our stations have played a vital role for British Columbians, providing a trusted source of news, public health information and acting as a community hub for fundraising efforts. Many stations have used their traditional and social media platforms to broadcast live coverage of the daily health briefings from provincial and federal officials keeping citizens informed during this unprecedented time.
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Hi Rob Bye,
I hope you read this board.
As the President of the BC Association of Broadcasters, are you willing to discuss propaganda concerns and the mainstream media ?
Fake News
Simply, you know not what you say.
Find a radio stn, or tv stn, get a tour.
Educate yourself.
Long Time TV Guy,
Please enlighten the board with your insider knowledge.
What should we expect to see on a tour, that would eliminate propaganda concerns?
Reality. The hard working folks that bring you the stories,
important information, community connections, and much
more. I have worked in the TV industry for decades.
Meet the folks, talk with the folks and walk in their shoes.
There is no one sitting around contemplating, conspiring, editing,
or creating fake news, or propaganda intentionally. We don’t have the time.
Real people doing the best they can with
honesty and integrity.
Long Time TV Guy,
Then how does the propaganda make it to air?
Pushing political ideology on viewers is not news.
Where does your TV station get it’s national and international “stories” from?
When people can easily go online to see video and context, instead of just a news clip and political spin, they start waking up to see that TV news is lacking credibility.
You’re on the inside, you should be able to easily see this for yourself, if you are open to searching for the truth.
Long Time TV Guy,
Here is an example:
Here’s another link:
I’ve never liked the Donald but the treatment he gets from the press is incredibly biased and partisan. Does he bring it on himself? Of course. But if the mainstream media were true journalists it shouldn’t matter how big a jerk he is. That biased reporting from the MSM is the norm now. Know wonder most people don’t trust them. The newsrooms are echo chambers and true journalism is the exception and not the rule.
I am sure it can be hard for an insider to see this.
Long Time TV Guy
OMG…..whom are you protecting? These Fake News phoneys are taking their orders from the Bolsheviks trying to take over and everyone knows it. It is so obvious it is not even funny. We are in WWIII right now. Only its us against them. They are all in……..or the Govt, Media, Big Tech and large corps would have not have exposed themselves so freely. They have thrown all the chips in on this one………..and they are praying every night they don’t lose…..which they will. And now we have ALL THEIR NAMES.
Its just a sign of the times. Podcasts, radio streaming from all over the world has given people more choices. Broadcasters need to adjust or move over unfortunately.
after years of media training, corporations have been gaming the media.
media in turn have turned to broadcasting youtube sourced content instead of producing local content.
they have been travelling down a self parody road.
breaking news from days past, fake live hits, double anchors saying one word each instead of
handling a full read all diminish its credibility.
however if were talking tv news its all about commercial content.
Izzy Asper the founder of Global TV asked staff what business they’re in.
His motto “We sell soap”
Where did Long Time TV Guy go ?
Fake News
Looking at their writings could “Long Time TV Guy” and Philip Philipson be one in the same?