Thanks to Gord Lansdell of NW Broadcasters for sharing this story…

8/07/20 – KNKX-FM 88.5 Seattle has announced the segment Weather with Cliff Mass will no longer air, effective immediately. The station says his post on his personal blog on recent events in Seattle were sensationalized and misleading and not reflecting “who we are and what we stand for at KNKX.” Mass has had the 5-10 minute segment on KNKX/ KUOW for over 15 years. KNKX Announcement
To follow this story, click on the following link with Cliff reporting with pictures as to what is really going on in Seattle, something the Seattle media will not report. What’s going on people? Why is msm withholding the stories they don’t want us to know about?
No one sensible, sane or sober goes to broadcasting for “truth” now.
Not sure why expression of thought and truth are so upsetting to “Today’s” media.
Sorry Cliff. You are just another victim of the cancel culture. I wish you well sir.
KNKX, rescued by listeners when KUOW ill-advisedly made its consolidation(?) move, needs to remember what happened to their donations when Steve Scher dissed Cliff for blogging about anything but weather.
The (Patriot Front and other anarchists) who co-opted the BLM civil disobedience protests to loot and throw commercial fireworks at the SPD sure looked looked like Brownshirts to me, as did the anonymous feds who beat on Captain Portland (the Navy Vet) who got his wrist broken, by a runt coward with both hands on his baton.
The public deserves different views. Label Cliff as an OpEd columnist if you wish, but keep letting us read (or hear) and decide on our own.
The Enumclaw Courier-Herald made a similar mistake by cancelling Elaine Ferguson over similiar which she had made, and which I thought were not really understood; we lost her insight into WTF was really going on in Olympia, and I miss that.