VANCOUVER — A world-renowned crooner is among 13 people to receive the Order of B.C. this year.
Michael Buble, of Burnaby, B.C., was part of a list that also included Carole Taylor, former B.C. finance minister and host of CTV’s Canada AM.
The Order of B.C. honours exceptional British Columbians. So far, 460 people from the province have been appointed.
This year’s ceremony has been postponed due to the pandemic, and will be held next year in Victoria.
The full list of 2020 recipients is:
- Shashi Assanand of Richmond
- Ryan Beedie of West Vancouver
- Michael Bublé of Burnaby
- Shirley Chan of Vancouver
- Neil Cook, MGC, of Cranbrook
- Paul George of Gibsons
- Rusty Goepel of Vancouver
- John Malcolm Horton of Delta
- Mel Krajden, PhD, of Vancouver
- Janet Nadine Mort, PhD, of Brentwood Bay
- Tracy Porteous of Vancouver
- Carole Taylor, OC, of Vancouver
- Ruth Williams of Kamloops
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