WAPO deserved everything they got here, they lied and mis represented the truth


The Washington Post goes national by offering free digital access to readers of local newspapers ...


One Man’s Opinion


July 24, 2020


The WAPO deserved everything they got here, they lied and mis represented the truth .


A full apology should appear on the front page of the Jeff Bezos WAPO .

Other U.S. media outlets are also in the cross hairs of the Covington Kid !! We will hear much more about this, not sure if we will hear much in the NYT, CNN, CBC, Global, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, CBS, but somehow the story will get out there .

I am however looking forward to the reports on this from CKNW and Global !!

Washington Post settles Nicholas Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy



BTW – the Protesters in Portland and other U.S. Cities are no longer even close to “Anti Racist Protesters”, they are basically Anarchists .




  1. CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy

    Note mention of the fake dossier [Russian hoax] with a request from The Washington Post for CNN to ‘come clean’ with its reporting on that fiasco …

    These bastards knew better — but their goal was to get Trump out of office, not report what actually happened. For three years we had to put up with this BS. Now the NY Times is under pressure to return their awards, including a Pulitzer.

    F*ckers. Let’s hope the lawsuits bleed them dry until they’re bankrupt!


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