7/1/2020 by Alex Weprin for The Hollywood Reporter

The network says it terminated the former chief White House correspondent after receiving a complaint from a former employee’s attorney.
Fox News Channel says that it has fired America’s Newsroom anchor and former chief White House correspondent Ed Henry over sexual misconduct claims.
“On Thursday, June 25, we received a complaint about Ed Henry from a former employees’s attorney involving willful sexual misconduct in the workplace years ago,” Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott and president Jay Wallace wrote in a memo to staff Wednesday morning.
“We immediately retained an outside law firm (which has never represented Fox News in investigations or litigation) to independently investigate the claims,” they added. “Ed was suspended the same day and immediately removed from his on-air responsibilities pending investigation. Based on investigative findings, Ed has been terminated.”
The cable news channel says that a rotating group of anchors will co-host America’s Newsroom alongside Sandra Smith until a permanent replacement is named.
Read more HERE.
Perhaps I missed it or was Henry fired simply because there was an accusation by a former co worker ?
Not sure about you but I for one would not want to see anyone I considered a friend fired just because there was an accusation .
Our “Woke” society seems to be on a very slippery slope, in so many cases people are vilified simply because of accusations .
Did we not already try that back in the day when Witches were burned at the stake just because someone pointed a finger at them ?
“Back to the Future” ?
I for one would be veey happy if someone in Media would just once ask accusers if they were even in the same town as the accused on the date in question .
On the Fox News network, Howard Kurtz reported that an outside law firm was brought in to investigate the allegations, and after six days of their digging, management determined termination was in order. It seems the allegations were substantiated.
If substantiated and true, “Hang him High” .