Shatner concludes COVID-inspired Captain’s Log Updates


100 Entries End With Poetic Capt. Kirk Sign-Off


William Shatner as Capt. Kirk in ‘Star Trek V: The Final Frontier’   |   Paramount Pictures/Photofest

William Shatner did what he could to bring a bit of levity to fans’ days amid the novel coronavirus pandemic by dipping back into his most iconic role, Capt. James T. Kirk.

Since mid-March, the Star Trek actor has been sharing daily Captain’s Log updates — a plot device, usually done for story exposition, on the famed sci-fi TV show and subsequent films —  which ran the gamut from his days at home to projects on which he and fellow actors were involved. Shatner has a sizable audience with more than 2.5 million followers on Twitter alone.

He began the Kirk entries March 18, posting, “Captain’s Log: Stardate 1 of self imposed isolation. After having arrived at Planet Home, I was warmly greeted by Emissaries Espresso & Macchiato. I look forward to my planned respite from my normal duties. Kirk out.” Espresso and Macchiato are Shatner’s dogs. He is a well-known animal lover.

And after 100 daily entries, he concluded the series Saturday morning with, “Captain’s Log Stardate 100: I hope you have enjoyed my Captain’s log musings & rantings on the first 100 days of COVID-19 sheltering.  It was the least I could do…  It was… fun. Oh, my.”

Fans of the Star Trek franchise instantly recognized the closing remarks as those Capt. Kirk says in 1994’s Star Trek: Generations just before the character dies after helping save the day, once again.

Read more  HERE.


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