Passing of TV, radio personalities stir Windsor/Detroit memories

For radio listeners in Windsor and Detroit of a certain vintage, DJs Robin Seymour and Johnny Williams likely played big roles in the forming of their youth.
Seymour died April 16 in San Antonio, Tex. at the age of 94 while Williams died the following day of COVID-19 at Beaumont Hospital in Dearborn, Mich.
Beginning in the 1950s, Seymour initiated the “Bobbin’ With Robin” show and before the Top-40 format played all the latest rock ‘n roll hits and asked listeners what they thought of new records.
In 1963, Seymour began the TV show Teen Town along with Bozo the Clown which was picked up by Windsor’s CKLW TV. The American Bandstand-style show appeared daily for a half hour and was broadcast from a different Detroit-area high school.
“He introduced us to the future stars of Motown as well as Bob Seger and The Rationals,” fan Frank Pettis posted on Seymour’s Facebook page.
“Robin was a super nice person and I was able to meet and talk to him a couple times.”
Seymour later transitioned Teen Town to Swingin’ Time and promoted it on CKLW radio, becoming the highest-paid U.S. DJ at $100,000 a year.
Seymour is credited with boosting the careers of Stevie Wonder, The Four Tops, Martha and the Vandellas, and The Supremes.
Williams spent 14 years at CKLW between 1968 and 1983, according to the station.