24 Hours later Chris Cuomo Claims He’s Happy at CNN: “I Never Meant It”


After saying “I don’t like what I do professionally,” the host notes he recently signed a new contract with the network.

By Jeremy Barr for The Hollywood Reporter            April 14 2020

On his radio show on Tuesday, CNN host Chris Cuomo clarified comments he made on Monday about his work as a cable news host.

“Coronavirus-stricken Chris Cuomo trashes CNN gig during radio show meltdown,” the New York Post wrote on Monday night, after Cuomo told viewers, “I don’t like what I do professionally. I don’t think it’s worth my time.”

“It’s not true,” Cuomo said on Tuesday. “I never said it. I never meant it.”

Cuomo, who announced on March 31 that he’d contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, praised the way the network has treated him.

“I have never been in a better position, professionally, than I am in right now,” he told viewers. “They’ve been so good. They’ve been so supportive of me in ways I could never have imagined. … I’ve never had a group of people professionally care about me the way they have shown. I’ll never be able to repay them, but I’ll try hard to do so. I’ve never been more grateful. I’ve never been on a better team.”

Cuomo revealed to viewers that he recently signed a “long-term” contract extension, before the spread of the coronavirus.

“I love where I am, I love the position that I’ve been given, and I love who I’m doing it with. Those are all matters of fact for me,” he said. “No place has ever been better to me. No place has ever given me the opportunities that [CNN president] Jeff Zucker has.”

Read more  HERE.


  1. Begs the question of how “I never said it” and “I never meant it” go together. The latter seems to confirm that he DID say it.

  2. There are two good reasons for the odd behaviour of Cuomo .

    A very severe case of TDS and the fact he imbibed far too much in the Mezcal he had hidden under the stairs in his basement in between his shows on CNN .

    Not a good combination .


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